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PPR(polypropylene random),又叫无规共聚聚丙烯(PPR)其产物韧性好,强度高,加工机能优良,较低温度下抗蠕变机能好,并具雅洁管有无规共聚聚丙烯特有的高通明性长处,可普遍用于管材、片材、日用品、包装资料、家用电器部件以及种种薄膜的出产。
PPR (polypropylene random) , also known as random polypropylene (PPR) , its product toughness is good, high strength, processing function is good, lower temperature resistance to creep function is good, and elegant tube with random polypropylene unique high-pass advantages Can Be widely used in pipe, sheet, daily necessities, packaging materials, household electrical appliances parts and a variety of film production.